It’s clear the far Left isn’t going to stop indoctrinating our kids.

The assault to brainwash our kids with sexualized and Marxist content in schools is intensifying.

The far Left and teachers unions have repeatedly filed lawsuits to KEEP explicit and dangerous content in schools and available to our children – content that is not appropriate educationally, but is socialist, DEI propaganda, race-based, and even pornographic in nature. Some school boards are even being bullied into ignoring parents’ demands to remove sexualized content from school libraries.

Parents have an absolute right to protect and defend their children from harmful content in our schools. It’s a sacred responsibility.

We are filing lawsuits against school districts that are pushing these vile books on young kids and refusing to listen to parents, and we will defend school boards that are willing to do the right thing and remove inappropriate content.

Schools must get back to reading, writing, and arithmetic and cease the warping and oversexualizing of our children’s minds. Join us in the fight and add your name to this petition.

Petition To Stop Sexualizing and Indoctrinating Our Kids

Stop Sexualizing and Indoctrinating Our Kids

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