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Radio Recap - Impeachmentmania: Adam Schiff’s Fixed Hearings

Radio Recap - Impeachmentmania: Adam Schiff’s Fixed Hearings


Jordan Sekulow

November 12, 2019

3 min read

Public Policy



Impeachmentmania sweeps the media. Will it actually sweep the nation? Adam Schiff actually laid out the procedures for how fixed this hearing will be in a memo.

On today’s Jay Sekulow Live we discussed tomorrow’s upcoming public impeachment inquiry hearing.

Understand this, we are less than 24 hours away and Adam Schiff has yet to approve any witness requested by the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, including and especially the “whistleblower”. The fix is in.

In an official memo released by Adam Schiff, there’s a key part in this regarding minority witnesses: “As set forth in H. Res. 660, the Committee’s Minority may request witnesses to testify during open hearings conducted by the Committee in connection with the impeachment inquiry.”

There was a timeline set and Republicans complied. They submitted their minority witness requests.

Again, remember we are less than 24 hours away from the hearing. Here’s the key line from the memo: “The Committee is evaluating the Minority’s requested witnesses and will give due consideration to witnesses within the scope of the impeachment inquiry.”

As of the time of today’s broadcast, not a single Republican witness that has been requested has been granted access to testify either tomorrow or later in the proceedings. One of these witnesses was the first witness, Ambassador Volker, who had been called by Adam Schiff himself for a deposition. Adam Schiff apparently didn’t like what he had to so say the first time so he didn’t want him to testify again.

ACLJ Director of Government Affairs Thann Bennett put it bluntly: “Adam Schiff is not allowing Republicans to call Democrat witnesses. Three of the witnesses requested by the Republicans had been called by Adam Schiff to testify behind closed doors.”

House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes made the following point on Fox News yesterday:

Adam Schiff and his team, whoever, met with the whistleblower. We’ve had no access to the whistleblower. Number two, we want to know what was the DNC’s involvement, and the Clinton campaign’s involvement in Ukraine? And why did the Ukrainians interfere in our election?

As of right now, we have none of our witnesses, right? So I mean, look, we even put on Ambassador Volker. This guy was the Democrats first witness. Came in, didn’t go very well for them. You’ve all seen the transcripts, he came in voluntarily. The transcripts are out. Why on earth would Volker not be there? He was the special envoy to Ukraine. Why would you not give the Republicans a witness?

Adam Schiff at this point is not even allowing Republicans to call Democrat witnesses to testify. This is outrageous. This is more of a sham every time Adam Schiff says something or puts out a memo.

And we can expect even more of a sham tomorrow.

You can listen to the entire episode here.

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